Recent content by CJCrafter

  1. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.5 - DropItem Mechanic, Bugfixes

    Adds the DropItem mechanic Fixes delayBeforePlay or repeatInterval causing errors Fixes changing spread bounds not working since 4.0.0 recode.
  2. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.5 - DropItem Mechanic, Bugfixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.4 - Reload and API updates Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.4 - Reload and API updates

    Hotfix consumables not working in 4.0.0 recode Consumables are now a bit smarter... They can work with durability, and handle shooting a bit smarter behind the scenes The WeaponShootEvent may now fire with a null projectile Let WeaponReloadEvent be cancellable The event is cancelled if the...
  5. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.3 - Fix vector providers

    Fix vector providers causing serialization errors Performance improvements in the ShootLocationChooser
  6. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.3 - Fix vector providers Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.2 - BlockDamage hotfix

    Fix WeaponMechanicsCosmetics block damage ignoring WorldGuard flags Fix EntityType parsing not supporting tags Fix BlockType parsing not supporting tags
  8. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.2 - BlockDamage hotfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.1 - Recoil Event Bugfixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.1 - Recoil Event Bugfixes

    Fix the new WeaponRecoilEvent causing errors in console when used with WeaponMechanicsPlus
  11. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter updated WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft with a new update entry: v4.0.0 - 1.21.4 Recode Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - v4.0.0 - 1.21.4 Recode

    Dropped support for anything below 1.21.4 Added 1.21.4 support New Recoil system This works off of "forces" instead of static increments The experience is much smoother, and prevents infinite climb Mimics how AAA FPS handle recoil New Durability system Works off of the durability item...
  13. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft

    CJCrafter submitted a new resource: WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft - A new age of weapons in Minecraft Read more about this resource...
  14. CJCrafter

    WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft 4.0.5

    WeaponMechanics is the combination of a team of people working for 2 years to produce the best plugin possible. The result? A high-performance, fully-featured, and customizable guns plugin designed for the latest Minecraft versions. Quick Links Wiki Discord Support (#weaponmechanics-support)...