Recent content by JasperTheDev

  1. JasperTheDev

    CaptureTheFlag[Special Pluginify discount!]

    JasperTheDev submitted a new resource: CaptureTheFlag - A minigame where players must work together to capture the enemy's flag while defending their own! Read more about this resource...
  2. JasperTheDev

    TNT-Tag - Version 9,3 has been released!

    Uploaded the correct file.
  3. JasperTheDev


    JasperTheDev updated TNT-Tag with a new update entry: Version 9,3 has been released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. JasperTheDev

    TNT-Tag 9.3

    Have suggestions or found a bug? Visit our Suggestions & Bugs Site to share your feedback and report issues. We appreciate your input! An discord server has been created for my projects and should be used for support from now on, check it at the bottom of this page. Additional info...
  5. JasperTheDev


    JasperTheDev submitted a new resource: TNT-Tag - A funny TNT-Tag minigame for your server! Read more about this resource...