- Contributors
- DeeCaaD
- Supported Servers
- Spigot
- Paper
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.21.4
WeaponMechanics is the combination of a team of people working for 2 years to produce the best plugin possible. The result? A high-performance, fully-featured, and customizable guns plugin designed for the latest Minecraft versions.
Quick Links
- Wiki
- Discord Support (#weaponmechanics-support)
- Feature Request
- Bug Reports
- Super efficient code, faster than any gun plugin on the market
- Choose any action (sneak, right-click, left-click, etc) for gun actions (shoot, zoom, reload, etc)
- Scope with up to 10x magnification
- Firearm actions: revolver, pump, lever, slide
- Advanced spread and recoil pattern system
- Custom projectiles system supports traveling through blocks, rolling, and bouncing
- Deal less damage on leg/arm shots and more damage on head-shots
- Grenades: airstrikes, cluster bombs, and flash-bangs
- Custom explosive system: different explosive shapes and regeneration (anti grief system included)
- Advanced config serialization system which can pinpoint config issues
- Melee system
- Default weapons with resource pack
- Much more! Check the wiki to see each feature
- Spigot/Paper/Folia 1.21.4
- Java 21 or newer
- PacketEvents
- WorldGuard (flags)
- MythicMobs (new skills)
- Vault (economy support)
- PlaceholderAPI (placeholders can be applied)
- VivecraftSpigot (shoot properly in VR)
Please make all of your bug reports on our GitHub. You may also use that link to make feature requests, plugin support requests, and report performance issues.
- WeaponMechanicsCosmetics (premium)
- WeaponMechanicsPlus (premium)
- ArmorMechanics (free)
- WeaponMechanicsSignShop (free)
- Where can I download the resource pack?
- The pack is automatically downloaded to the plugin folder
- You can also download the pack for free here.
- How can I get guns?
- Use
/wm get <weapon>
- Or use
/wm list
and click on the weapon you want.
- Use
Mechanics Tutorial